Featured Pieces

  • Featured in HUFFPOST talking about handing uncomfortable conversations during the holidays. Read more.

  • Featured in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 7 things you can do at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. “Anything can be self-care and adding it to your everyday life can be easy once you have an idea of what you need and how it will work with your life.” Continue reading.
  • “In terms of therapy and the stigma surrounding it, I think being open about going and learning from the process can definitely change minds. I would love to see mental health be more accessible to more people and for therapists to earn a living wage. Talking to your political leaders about mental health is a must and can help change this for so many. The more we talk about it, the better it will be for everyone.” Continue reading.
  • How to cultivate healthy Relationships with yourself and others. Listen here
  • On Medium, “Sex Therapist Samantha Heuwagen says representation matters especially when it comes teens and young adults and it’s important how it gets translated on-screen.” Continue reading.

  • “As a therapist, I see a lot of misinformation surrounding mental health and healthy relationships floating around the internet. Once I had the idea for The Starless Series, I knew I had to incorporate these themes. Not only to make them more accessible to people who couldn’t access mental health services, but to help educate in a fun and interesting way.” Read more.

“While many couples think of therapy as an option only when the relationship is in serious trouble, Heuwagen says it can be terrific for spicing up the romance as well. Therapy ‘can be a great way to work out your issues (personally and as a couple), and to rediscover each other in a whole new light,’ she says.” Continue reading.

  • “First off, I think many of us forget that in the process of forgiveness, we must first grieve the loss. The loss of future dreams, of the relationship, the pain and hurt left in its wake, etc. Without grieving, we cannot move forward.” Continue reading.

“Getting consent isn’t simply asking ‘Hey want to have sex?’ Sex is a very complex term that encompasses so many things” Continue reading.

  • “Y’all…Samantha is a teenage beauty queen, Latinx sex therapist, sci-fi author, who is from Michigan. Need I say more? If that bio doesn’t sell you on this episode, I’m not sure what will.” Listen wherever you get your podcasts. 

  • “The most important thing in my practice to make sure I am honoring and supporting my clients to the best of my ability – it shows in my work.” Continue reading.

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