There’s been plenty of research done about how yoga does wonders for anyone experiencing anxiety. It’s something I use to manage my own worry and I frequently suggest it to clients.
Taking time to center and focus the mind is one tool clinicians can use to combat anxiety in clients. Yet sometimes clients complain about not being able to stay still or concentrate without doing something else. This is where yoga comes in.
Yoga gives the body something to do while the mind focuses on postures, positions, and stretches. It also gives the yogi the ability to clear the mind of useless chatter that can cause feelings of stress or anxiety.
It’s a win win for anyone looking to add movement and exercise into their daily self care practice. In the video below I offer a few yogis I follow who have inspired my practice and influence the practice of my clients. Not everyone loves doing yoga at home, so if you are able look for a yoga community in your area today. You won’t be sorry!